Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! My birthday just passed and it was a couple of days after Christmas. This is my first birthday I celebrated in the snow. So Sunday night here in NY we had a huge snow storm. It was so bad that my father in law who is a bus driver got stuck in the bus he was driving from Sunday at 10pm to Monday 6pm! So the now was deep, the most I have ever seen. My birthday was Tuesday and there was still snow on the ground and cars and buses where still getting stuck. So my husband and I left our son with grandma and we headed to Manhattan. (Took the subway) We went to a bar in the greenwich village called La Palapa. There we met two of my friends and ate, had drinks and just relaxed. I had one frozen strawberry and that was more than enough. I can't drink like I used to. :(  After we headed to a little cafe named Camaja for cofee and drinks. I was hoping to get some dancing but unfortunately it did not happen. We had to head back to home to pick up the baby around midnight. I'll have to make up the dancing next time I get to go out.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in Our Hearts

I've noticed that in the US the holidays are not as celebrated as in the Philippines. I'm not talking about the christmas trees and lights and big sales at the stores. In that respect nothing beats New York during the holidays. I've never seen a more colorful city during that holidays than New York. It really is a beautiful city during Christmas. Where the Philippines beats holiday celebrations is on the personal level. People in the Philippines really take in the holiday spirit. There is a happyness in the people during the holiday season that is not present other times. Dancing, singing, eating and just being merry is seen in every household. Maybe it's that here in New York you don't know most of your neighbors. I hope one day I can install the holiday spirit on all my neighbors and relatives so it will be a Christmas I will never forget.

Keep a marshmallow warm with a fire

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lighting Up The Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center NY

The famous Christmas tree here in NYC which we can see at Rockefeller Center NY was lit for the first time this Holiday Season last Tuesday,November 30,2010. It's quite late to post this but I want you guys to know what I've experienced. I was at home watching the live broadcast. I saw famous people sing Christmas songs and one of them was a Filipina girl. She was quite empressive and im proud of her. It was very nice seeing them perform in their costumes which is I loved most. Tons of people were there. The reason why I stayed in our house is because the weather was cold and my partner said that we could not get in because it was crowded. So there was no point of going if we were not in the VIP section. You know what i mean? Its not worth it...hahaha just kidding. Anyway so the show continued until the countdown began. So my partner and I counted down "3, 2, 1" and then boom the lights came on! The picture above is what we saw. Hopefully you guys out there can make it to NYC next year and experience the tree lighting ceremony live.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Day 2010

Happy Turkey day everyone! Did you know the First Thanksgiving was celebrated to give thanks to God for helping the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony survive their first brutal winter in New England around the year 1620. The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three days, providing enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Native Americans. So our thanksgiving dinner did not last three days but the left overs sure did. My wonderful mother in law (in the picture) and her sister cooked TWO turkeys. Can you say GOBBLE GOBBLE? The turkeys may looked burned but they were not. The meat was very tender and juicy. Now I love eating but there is only so much turkey I can eat. Thankfully my husband and his brother who was in town have a huge appetite. So on this Thanksgiving day I want to give thanks to God for all my blessing and thank you the reader for letting me share this day with you.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Taking Work Food Home

Everyone has heard the expression "taking work home". Ask my husband about it and he will tell you it's what he used to do before we lived together. Now have you heard the term "Taking work food home"? I'm sure you haven't because I just made it up! :) So to celebrate the holidays my husband's company decided to have an event where eveyone brought a meal and shared it with the floor. My husband wanted to participate so we made our favorite spagetti & sauce fililipino style. From what my husband tells me there was so much food they are eating left overs tomorrow. They also got to take food home. So my husband took work food home for me and it was delicious. It would be great if my husband's company did this more often. It would be even better if we didn't have to cook next time. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Iron Chef (pancit canton----filipino style)

Having conquered the Top Chef title with my chicken broth it was time to move up a weight class. Like "Pacman" Pacquio I'm taken on new challenges. This time I'm going for my Iron Chef title with my pancit canton. So I send my husband with our baby grocery shopping Saturday morning. After he came back I noticed I was missing two ingredients. So I told my husband to go back and to rush. Well he took a while and i was wondering what took him so long. It turned out he ended up going to three different places to find the two missing ingredients. But that's ok that's what husbands are for.. so I keep telling him.. he agrees sometimes. Anyway I was able to finish cooking my masterpiece and it was delicious. Ask my husband he ate most of it. If you want the recipe leave a message on my blog.